17 February 2013

Footloose and fancy free...

Well, object litter free, in any case.

This post is a little bit late in the drafting, but better late than never, eh?

The land at Belmont (as well as the rest of the affected areas I mentioned in my last post) are now all clear and clean once again.  Considering the scope of it, I'd say LL did a great job getting it all cleared by the Monday.  I wasn't too fond of how they kept the landholders in the dark about when it would be dealt with, or what we could do to help speed the process, but that's not up to me to decide - as much as I wish it were.


In other news - I turned Allie into my coffee table today! Isn't she lovely?

Yes, that's Allie, supporting my rose plant and my dinner.  If you're looking for furniture transforms, I highly recommend Silenced's products.  Easy to use, and beautifully crafted.  I mean, who wouldn't want gorgeous living furniture gracing their homes?  As a builder, the saved prim space alone makes it a must have!

Anywho, going to keep this post short and sweet.  Must get back to the grindstone - I have a ton of projects on the go at the moment, and I promised myself I'd finish at least one of them this month!
