17 February 2013

Footloose and fancy free...

Well, object litter free, in any case.

This post is a little bit late in the drafting, but better late than never, eh?

The land at Belmont (as well as the rest of the affected areas I mentioned in my last post) are now all clear and clean once again.  Considering the scope of it, I'd say LL did a great job getting it all cleared by the Monday.  I wasn't too fond of how they kept the landholders in the dark about when it would be dealt with, or what we could do to help speed the process, but that's not up to me to decide - as much as I wish it were.


In other news - I turned Allie into my coffee table today! Isn't she lovely?

Yes, that's Allie, supporting my rose plant and my dinner.  If you're looking for furniture transforms, I highly recommend Silenced's products.  Easy to use, and beautifully crafted.  I mean, who wouldn't want gorgeous living furniture gracing their homes?  As a builder, the saved prim space alone makes it a must have!

Anywho, going to keep this post short and sweet.  Must get back to the grindstone - I have a ton of projects on the go at the moment, and I promised myself I'd finish at least one of them this month!


03 February 2013

On being griefed - Recent adventures continued

It is now day two of the attack on mainland, with no end in sight.  In fact, the griefing attack I described in my last post is much more wide spread than I had first realized.

The self-replicating toruses of ear-piercing and eye-splitting doom have now spread across several regions.  I fear this will take longer than expected for the LL Governance Team to clean up.

If you own land in any of the following regions or their neighboring regions, I urge you to set your land to group only or access list only for object entry, build rights, and scripts:
- Belmont
- Littlefield
- Grimes
- Sifton
- Fraser
- Driscoll
- Kensington
- Balwin
- Keyano
- Ellingson
- Greystone
- Granada
- Granville
- Foxboro
- Athlone
- Primrose
- Belmeade
- Peacock Park
- Craigavon
- Strathcona
- Maplegrove
- Kristatos
- Horowitz
- Yudasin
- Rhoda
- Misstaro

If you rent on any of these regions or their neighboring regions and cannot change the settings yourself, please contact your landlord and let them know about the current issue so they can prevent it from spreading to their properties.

I also urge anyone in the affected regions to make sure to ban from land, and block from contact, both the owner of the self-replicating spam, as well as the creator.  Also fill out an Abuse Report and send it to LL.  You can find instructions on how to fill out an AR on the SL Knowledge Base.

This will keep spreading until LL can clean all of it up, unless we as landholders do something to prevent the spread in the meantime.

(sethralogoth Resident)

02 February 2013

Recent .. adventures?

Well, I'm back again.

This time I hope to be back and writing a bit more regularly.

You'll notice the flavour of this particular blog of mine will take an entirely different route than it started with.  I've decided to let Sweetie do the creative blog writing, while I just make random musing posts as I see fit.  I was getting a little discouraged in my own creative writing due to lack of time, and piles of stress in RL.  I don't want that to stop me from writing at all, however, as I do enjoy putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard, in this case).

Today I'm back because of a griefer.  It's rather ironic, actually.  I've already met several new, extremely nice residents due to the attack, whom I am glad to have made friends with.  It has also given me back the motivation to write, as well as a little bit of incidental free time to do so while I wait for the mess to be cleaned up.

I actually consider myself to be rather lucky when it comes to SL and the dreaded experience of being griefed.  During my first weeks in SL the worst I encountered were people using spoofers to make it appear I was speaking.  Not terribly creative or effective, in my opinion, and so I merely muted them and went about my merry business.

Today has shown me a new perspective on being griefed. This attack does not just affect me personally.  This one affects an entire region, and then some.  Picture lovely open fields, secluded homes and shops surrounded by lovely trees and other various vegetation.  Then picture it piled high with replicating toruses in flashing red and blue, issuing a high pitched whine that would even make the dead shudder deep underground.  This is what I woke up to this morning.

I had planned on working on my shop today.  The lag caused by the attack dictates otherwise.
I had planned on working on my latest furniture set today.  Scratch that project too.

Thankfully I have amazing neighbors, and equally amazing customers.  I logged in to several messages alerting me to the issue (my skybox is out of range of the mess, thankfully), and promptly banned the resident responsible, and proceeded to clean out any objects that made it onto my parcel despite the permissions settings.

I pondered moving my store up higher in the meantime, but it would still encounter the lag the grief is causing - and I don't want to "give in" and move due to a griefer.  So the store remains at ground level, and my customers have been understanding about the noise and the occasional prim that crosses parcel border onto mine.

What I don't understand, is why people participate in such activity as this in the first place.
Some have said to me "Second Life is a game, some people think it's fun(ny) to cause games to be frustrating or difficult for others to enjoy, it's just something you have to live with in any game you play."  I will agree that, yes, in games, it is common to find people who love to play the annoying troll.  However, I will argue that, no, Second Life is not merely a game.

For some, Second Life is an educational resource. For others, it is a business venture.  For most, it is a social tool - a 3D irc, if you will.  And yes, for some, it is game sims, and gaming.

I'm not sure what exactly Linden Labs could do to improve it's response time to griefing of this nature, but I do have a few suggestions.  For one, they should be able to respond to certain types of abuse over live chat, such as the object replication spam my own region is currently suffering from.  Give the support team the ability to return or delete all objects owned by the griefer across the entire mainland region affected, and ban said griefer from the entire region.  This would be especially useful for regions where there is a lot of Abandoned Land parcels, with no owner to contact to change land permissions, ban residents, and return objects.  As it currently is, my region is now at 18 hours and no end to the object spam in sight.  This means 18 hours of not being able to use my land for more than sitting still and talking.  This means 18 hours of me panicking, wondering if my Fennux will fall ill because of the lag and not being able to eat properly.

As I said, the silver lining on this all has been the wonderful support of all the residents I have had the pleasure to meet due to this incidence.  I would like to thank each and every one of you for your understanding, messages, and help in the matter.  You are what makes staying in SL worth the time and patience, and you are what will inevitably defeat these griefers at their 'game' by remaining the wonderful people that you are.
