21 March 2012


Looks up from her book
Oh! You're back? I suppose that means you want to hear more?
Places a bookmark and sets her book aside

Hmmm... now where was I?

Oh yes.  I had just let Lita ... I mean, Sweetie... go wandering on her own for a time.

Sweetie had recently found a wonderful group, called Community Dolls, with many a doll sister for her to meet and learn from.  They even have a safe haven for dolls, called Sarah's Sanctuary.  Quite a lovely place.  I had already visited the Sanctuary a number of times with Sweetie, and knew it to be a place I could trust to leave her to her own devices for short periods of time without worrying.  I had assumed when she asked to go out, that this would be her primary choice of destination.

For a time I was correct in my thinking - Sweetie even asked me to come visit with her from time to time.  She was making quite the impression with the community herself, making many friends amongst the dolls, winders, and creators alike.

Then, one day, I receive a call from Sweetie.

"Umm.. Lady Sethra?"
"Yes, Lita?" (She hadn't been designated Sweetie at this time yet)
"Um... are you busy?"
At this point I raised my eyebrow at her.  I knew something was up - she knew not to use our mental link wantonly - it's not like I can keep it going endlessly, exhaustion sets in after too short a time still.
"Um... Lady Sethra.. I think I'm stuck."
"Oh dear.  Are you at least able to send me your location?"
" ... I think so?"
After a long pause I receive an image in my mind of a map, along with general impressions of the immediate terrain where Sweetie is stuck.

I only wish I had taken pictures.  I arrive at this lovely pool side location, only to wonder where Sweetie is.  Then... I hear a squeak.  She couldn't have..., I think to myself.  I turn slowly towards the pool as I hear a second squeak.  She did...

As I turn to see Sweetie there, a perfect floating dolphin, so serene amidst the other pool objects, I cannot help but burst into laughter.  And of course I did what any self-respecting Mistress (or friend, for that matter) would do - and I hopped onto her back!   I can't say she found it as amusing as I did, but I had hoped that by the time I cast the counter-spell and freed her that she might perhaps have learned her lesson about strange objects and touching before learning about them.

Well now. Wasn't I wrong.

But again, that is another story, for yet another day.

mata ne

18 March 2012

Oh my, how the time flies...

Isn't it funny just how fast time can whip past you?

Very sorry, my darlings, that it's been so long since my last post.  I've been quite busy these past several weeks, and have been far too exhausted to bother to write about my endeavours and adventures until now.

Progress with Lita is coming along quite well.  Quite well indeed.  Or perhaps I should say "progress with Sweetie", for that is now her monicker.

Building, too, has been favourable.  House of Logoth now offers framed art, kitchens, and doll accessories. In time I shall be ready to unveil my latest designs in homes.

I suppose I should start where I last left off, rather than jumping ahead of myself, though.

Where was I...?  Oh yes.

I had just finished installing Lita's Integrated Consciousness Chip, or ICC for short, and the settings were taking hold nicely.  Lita in fact seemed quite happy to have it.  Since there seemed to be no problems, and she was being so cooperative, I decided to let her go explore on her own.  Oh my, oh my, how I didn't realize just how dangerous (or amusing!) such a simple thing as that could be.  I was, of course, absorbed in my building, so I didn't really think of what could happen at the time.

But that is another story, for another day.  Until then.

mata ne

30 January 2012

Marketplace Plug.

Good evening, and welcome! (Or welcome back, perhaps?)

Time for the inevitable plug of my marketplace shop.

So far in my building exploration I have created two pieces of art, and a kitchen set.  I probably should have built a bigger (and better)  inventory base before opening, but hey, I'm impatient.

The shop is called House of Logoth, and you can find it here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/102459

No physical shop yet, but I hope to be able to afford it soon enough.  If anyone would like to arrange a private viewing of items at my home, please send me a notecard to schedule an appointment.  I can't offer a SLurl, you need to be invited directly while I'm online.

But enough of that, back to the plug.

The first item available in my shop is an art piece, abstract (fractal, for those that know the term), called Pearls and Lace.

Next up is Holiday Cheer, another abstract (fractal) piece I created especially for the 2011 holiday season.

And finally, I have a kitchen set done up for people who like dark interiors.  It's not the best set, since it was my very first attempt at one, but hopefully at least one person out there ends up liking it.  It's all one unit, and provides light.  Some people will like that, some will hate it.  Personally, I love not having to spend extra prims on lights.  But then, I'm a builder... The more space I have leftover to create in, the better.

Anywho, thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read my market plug.  Hopefully you check back from time to time - you never know, something may catch your eye at some point!  Now I must get back to business, I have a few home and skybox designs in the works.

I also have Lita to check in on...  I really should see what she's been doing with her time while I've been busy creating.  It could be dangerous to let her have too much freedom before I even get started with her.   It was pleasantly easy to have her agree to take on a submissive position towards me, I begin to think she has been secretly hoping I would ask her for a while.  Perhaps her freedom isn't so dangerous to my goals after all?  I suppose I shall see soon enough, now won't I?

mata ne
Sethra Logoth

29 January 2012


Ah, Second Life.

What to say... what to say?

Well, for starters, I'm still really new to the whole Second Life thing.   I've been around since mid-Nov or so.  Now, that doesn't sound like a long time, especially for something so novel and expansive as SL can be - but wow... I sure do have a growing list of new friends and experiences under my belt already.

To begin my journey, it was my lovely and charming other half, Lita Morane, who got me into Second Life in the first place.  She's got her own funny little story for her start in SL - I'll let her tell it if she so desires.

As soon as I logged in and saw what Second Life had to offer, I knew I just had to build.

I thought, "Yes, yes, I will build things to live in, things to put in homes, things to wear... just build... things!"  Of course, this meant that I would be perpetually distracted and busy.  So I thought to myself, "Well, it was Lita who got you into this, why not have Lita pick up the slack?".  But how to convince her that she wanted to just pick up and do things for me without question?

And so I began to formulate a plan.  I have only just begun to implement my plan - I'm still gathering up all the necessary supplies. I don't believe she has caught on yet. We shall see how this goes.

mata ne
Sethra Logoth